Hey my friend,
In these fast-changing times, it’s important now more than ever for artists to empower themselves…
We can no longer depend on music labels, radio play, promoters, or anything else to help us spread the word about our art.
For the first time ever, we can reach the world… all with a click of a button.
We all know the power of social media…some of us may have even gone viral.
I’ve gone viral a few times…
And have found myself caught in the cycle where I’m making music just to go viral…
And when it doesn’t…because you’re not going to go viral every release…I would feel like a failure.
Many artists have realized this, but are still posting on social media every day, in the hopes of going “mini-viral”.
If you can make 10 posts that get 10,000 views that’s 100,000 views, right?
But by posting on social media all day, you’re basically making an “ad” every day….and that is exhausting.
Not only is this a recipe for burn-out but it doesn’t leave much creative energy for what matters most…the music!
So the question is how do we promote our music without burning out?
But this never happened.
You know the saying, “If you build it, they will come”.
Well this is what happened to me…
I would release a song and on the first day it would get about 30 to 40 plays but by the end of the week…
…I was lucky to crack 5 plays a day…sad.
Just sad.
I thought about giving up…
I thought I should get a real job like everyone else…
I thought, “Damn maybe my music is TRASH…”
I just couldn’t figure out how to turn listeners into fans…
My wife even told me, “Please stop making music!”
Hold up…
Let me explain…
Not because she didn’t support me…
But because she was tired of me being let down so many times…and falling into a state of despair.
I really had no choice…
My back was against the wall…I was either going to figure this out or quit music entirely…
Yes, that’s how bad it got…I was going to cold turkey quit…
….The one thing that’s been my therapy since I was 12 years old…
…The one thing that’s helped me get through the dark times in life…
…The one thing I’ve dedicated my entire life to…
I learned that playlists were the key to getting more streams…because once you’re on a playlist, people have no choice but to listen to your song, right?
So I did everything I could to get on as many playlists as possible…
I even began tracking down normal people that had large followings for their playlists on Spotify…
Cause anyone can create a playlist on Spotify and anyone can follow that playlist.
These playlists are called User Generated Playlists…
I would search their Spotify user name on Google, Twitter, and Instagram and if their profile picture matched the one they had on Spotify…I would send them a message.
I did this hundreds of times…
And I quickly found out that most of the people with large followings get so many artists hitting them up, that even they are charging to get on to their playlists…
I bought my way onto these kinds of playlists and it ended up costing me thousands…
They usually go for about $60 to $100 per playlist.
So 20 playlists at $80’s a pop, cost about $1600.
I even started seeing ads on Instagram from companies charging as low as $30 to get on their playlists…
And…I naturally…signed up.
What I ultimately found is that none of it worked…
Tip: The cheap ones are not legit and neither are the expensive ones.
And it was incredibly time-consuming, finding playlists, messaging them, paying them, and then making sure they put the song up.
Not only that but the problem with playlists…
I discovered…is I would stop getting plays as soon as I stopped paying…and more importantly…
I never saw an increase in Spotify followers…
I never saw an increase in people adding me to their playlists…
It honestly felt like I paid for nothing…
Then I heard that getting social media influencers, you know people who have a large following on social media, to shout you out works…
So I started paying influencers to promote my music on their Instagram…and while I would get more IG followers…it didn’t translate into more streams…and more importantly, more fans!
Another letdown…
And tried Instagram ads by pressing the Boost Post button…
And they kinda worked…
I got more likes and comments…
I had complete strangers actually enjoying my music…
So I let this run for a few months as an experiment.
And I came to the conclusion, it wasn’t what I wanted…
My goal was to find a way to get undeniable proof that actual humans were enjoying my music.
And this didn’t cut it.
Another L…
I was lost…I was clueless…I had tried everything and failed.
And then one day a light bulb went off in my head…
I realized I been doing everything completely wrong…
I revamped my approach entirely…
And this is what happened…
494 plays in one day?!?!?
I was shocked.
Not only that but every day I get dm’s from people telling me how much they appreciate my music.
I even have producers hitting me up and wanting to collab (and not just to try and sell me beats)…
This is what I had been dreaming of my whole life…new fans learning about my music every single day and taking action…action that I can see (and leaving a trail of actual proof!).
This has shown me that actual humans are listening to my music and becoming real fans…
Because the majority of my plays (73%) come from a listener’s own personal playlists and library…
This is something that is difficult to fake and you can’t pay thousands of people to put you on to their personal playlists that they listen to every day.
People listen to my music when they workout.
People listen to my music when they’re in their car.
People listen to my music when they want to party.
My music has become a part of people’s lives…and this is unbelievable to me and I can only be grateful.
And so I didn’t really expect this to happen, but a side-effect of growing a fanbase is that I actually have confidence in my music, because I know real people are enjoying it.
You can’t tell me my music is whack, when I have 80,000 people that love my songs and have added them to their playlists.
Another unexpected thing is…
My Spotify profile has grown from 30 followers to over 1,000+ followers in just 6 months…that’s an increase of 2600%
What’s awesome about this is…every time I have a new song to release I have 1000+ people that are not only notified by Spotify of it…but that are excited to hear it!
How do I know this?
My save rate…that is the number of times a song is saved divided by the number of people that listened is over 65%.
What this means is that 65% of people that listen to my music save it to their Spotify library.
That’s also how you can tell if the way you’re promoting your music is legit or not.
If actual human beings are enjoying your music, they’re going to save it and add it to their playlists because they want to listen to it later.
I love this new way as I don’t have to waste my creative energy posting on social media…shaking my ass on tik tok…although I occasionally will for fun!
I get to spend more time doing what I love…making music, hanging with friends/family, and helping artists like you…
Because this system runs on auto-pilot and generates new fans every single day, I don’t have to…
…make expensive music videos that cost thousands…
…I don’t have to pay influencers…
…I don’t have to post on social media at all…
And am still able to build my fan base, fan by fan every single day.
I should also point out that these numbers may not seem like a lot, but my goal was to always be a self-sufficient artist with a small but dedicated fan base.
And I’m well on my way there…
And I want you to experience this as well.
So if you make great music but haven’t figured out how to promote it…
If you’re sick of the boom and bust of marketing your music…
…You get lots of plays when you release a song and then fall off a cliff a week later…
If your fan base has stalled out…
…You can’t get past a certain number of streams and followers…no matter what you do.
I have a better way for you…
I want to show you how I went from zero plays a day to over 500 plays a day…for over a year…by using Instagram ads.
Yes, I’m going to show you how to use Facebook & Instagram Ads for musicians…
And the cool thing about this is it’s completely dependent on how much you want to spend…
If you want more fans, spend more, if you want fever fans, spend less.
$5…that’s it…I wanted to build a system that any artist, regardless of financial situation, could run…
And since $5 a day is the lowest you can spend…I figure any artist who actually believes their music is worth listening to can spend $5 a day promoting it…
Which is why I created…
Made up of 13 easy-to-consume videos I let you in on the secrets I use to turn Instagram Ads into a Spotify promotion machine.
Here’s a preview of what you’ll experience in each module of The Spotify Takeover Method…
Day 1: The Perfect Set-Up
Day 2: Spotify Takeover Foundation
Day 3: The Secret to Music Ads
Day 4: Ready to Takeover
How to Get Started?
Now you have two choices, you can continue releasing music into the wild and praying it catches on…
Making the same mistakes I did…
Hoping if you release quality music fans will come…
And eventually you’ll quit music…like I almost did.
I can teach you the exact steps I use to turn listeners into fans…with an easy-to-follow system.
The Spotify Takeover Method 2.0 is laser-focused on teaching music artists how to build their fan base on Spotify using Instagram Ads.
So how much is it? Right now if you were to figure this out on your own it would cost at least $10,000.
How do I know? Because that’s how much it cost me and I have 15 years experience in digital marketing.
I’m not going to charge $10,000 that this offer is worth, but I have a question for you.
Let’s say we did charge you the full $10,000. Would it be worth it?
If all this did was grow your dream fan base, would it be worth it?
If all this did was teach you how to actually market your music without burning yourself out posting on social media or buying fake streams/playlists, would it be worth it?
If all this did was give you the confidence and validation to keep making music, would it be worth it?
Now I’m not going to charge you the $10,000 that this is worth…
I’m not even going to charge you the $5,000 that I sell this to my consulting clients for…
I’m not even going to charge $1,997 that most of you were assuming I was going to charge.
Up until this point we’ve been charging $250, but you can have it today for only $97.
All you need to do is click Enroll Now to sign up.
See you inside…
1. You’re a beginner who wants to build your fan base FAST
This program will give you extreme clarity on the art of social media music promotion and help you avoid years of going around in circles by showing you what online music promotion at the highest level is really all about. If you’re confused about all the music promotion tactics out there, this program is a great place to start.
2. You’re an intermediate artist who wants to get to the next level
If you’re looking to leapfrog over the competition, let them burn themselves out posting on social media all day and wasting money on music videos. You’ll not only be gaining fans effortlessly but you’ll also gain a whole new level of confidence and fast-track your way to making a living from music.
3. You’re an advanced artist whose looking for an edge
If you’re advanced at using Facebook and Instagram Ads, some of what I teach may not be totally new to you. But what is new is you’ll be able to quickly and effectively put to use for a huge return on your investment.
Yes! If you implement everything in this program over the next 90 days and don’t reach 1,000 real fans, simply email us and we’ll give you a refund in full.
Yes. Facebook owns Instagram and uses the same advertising platform, which you will learn from this course. So this really is a Facebook Ads for Musicians course.
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